Medical Disclaimer:

I do not diagnose medical conditions or prescribe medication. All information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent, or cure disease or conditions of any kind. Any information offered is not to be considered a substitute for the counsel of your other healthcare providers. You are strongly encouraged to receive full medical clearance from a licensed healthcare provider prior to beginning a new regimen or modifying a current health plan. It is your responsibility to review any food plans, movement routines, lifestyle modifications, or supplementation protocols with your health care providers. Please review all materials carefully and mindfully.

Entheogen disclaimer:

The contents of this website and any information offered during private sessions does not encourage or condone the illegal use, purchase, sale or transfer of any entheogenic substances. All content is meant for educational purposes only. If you are choosing to use entheogenic substances, please do so with the utmost respect and regard for your safety and the safety of those around you.

Affiliate Links disclosure:

This website contains affiliate links, which means Krysalis Lifestyle Medicine PLLC may receive a percentage of any product or service you purchase using the links provided on pages. I will only endorse products that have been of benefit to previous clients or those that have improved my own health. If you choose to buy something through the an affiliate program, I may earn a small commission, though this has no impact on your purchase price. Thank you for your support and devotion to healthy living!