“Medical science increasingly shows us that most physical diseases are psychosomatic in origin; they begin in the mind— that is to say, with man’s disconnection from Nature.”

- Ramamurti S. Mishra, M.D.


Working with an Sacred Medicine Guide Helps You:


*Take a deep and personal inventory of your life: mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, relationally, and environmentally.

*Gain insight into the areas of your life that need more of your love and attention.

*Understand what it looks like and feels like to nourish yourself.

* Feel where you may be holding unresolved traumas in your body & gain tools to finally release them.

* Clarify your intentions for exploring expanded states of consciousness


Journey Within

*Enter into expanded states of consciousness clear, courageous, & with purpose.

*Bring more grace and ease to your transitions into and out of entheogenic experiences.

*Understand the arc of ceremony.

*Learn to dance with your shadow.

*Surrender to the flow of healing & love.

*Meet yourSelf.



*Process your expanded state in a safe container.

*Gain insight into shadow material, heal past traumas, release addictive patterns, and mend old wounds!

*Become well resourced with practical ways to implement and integrate entheogenic insights into your daily life

*Understand what balance looks like for you at this time in your life & gain the tools to achieve it.



*Bring your life into integrity with your highest truth & potential

*Access more personal power & live a purpose-driven life!

*Improve your overall quality of life!

*Find grace & ease!

*Walk your talk!

*Love yourself, love your unique gifts, & love your life!

*Entheogen: ”awakening god within”- introduced in 1979 by Carl Ruck and defined as “any substance that, when ingested, catalyzes or generates an altered state of consciousness deemed to have spiritual significance”.

Lifestyle Medicine for Expanded States of Consciousness:

*A balanced life is the result of (and daily practice of) attuning yourself to what the present moment is asking of you. This practice is the epitome of “being with” and experiencing expanded states of consciousness.

“All of us are knowers, all the time; it is only occasionally and in spite of ourselves that we understand the mystery of given reality.”

- Aldous Huxley -