The Art of Transformation.


“The path of transformation takes courage- courage, faith, and a deep abiding trust that the unknown depths you are about to explore will one day give you wings to fly. Trust in the mystery.”

— Kristina Marie


Teachings of a Butterfly:


Any transformational process requires change; this is inherent to the process. For the caterpillar, transformation is a dissolution of what once was in order to become what will be. The chrysalis stage represents the courage, devotion, trust, and time it takes to truly transform.

To “go within” is a revelatory process.

Imaginal cells are the building blocks of the butterfly- imagine that! Analogous to the awe inspiring transformation of the butterfly, is our own human process of growth and evolution. The caterpillar prepares for change, they surrender to the process of dissolution, imaginal reconstruction takes place, and the necessary struggle of emergence from the chrysalis is what yields the butterfly!

Having personally been through countless physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual transformations, I have come to realize the power of leaning into the uncomfortable. By trusting in the process, healing, growth, wisdom, creativity, freedom, and peace can take flight. The Krysalis Lifestyle Medicine path, while not always easy, can give you wings!

“What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls a butterfly.”

— Richard Bach